

Personal budgeting often overlooked

Cheryl R. Holland Wealth Planning

Creating and maintaining a budget makes a healthy financial life possible, assuring you don’t accidentally overspend and that you’re saving enough for the future.

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Saving for college can cause anxiety

J. Abigail Mason Wealth Planning

Graduation season is fast approaching and it is undoubtedly causing many parents a little anxiety. Tuition costs are increasing each year and funding your child’s college education can be one of your largest expenses.

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Financial impact of marrying later in life can be complicated

Susan A. McCants Family Business

At any age, marriage impacts almost every aspect of life. For older individuals, marriage presents even more unique challenges and opportunities. One of these challenges deals with finances. The financial impact of marrying later in life can be complicated.

Listen to Susan’s interview on SC Business Review

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Non-married couples need financial planning

Jonathan J. Robertson Family Business

Financial planning should always play a big part of any relationship, but when couples decide to either delay marriage or not to get married at all, a whole new set of financial planning issues can develop.

Listen to Jon’s interview on SC Business Review

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How to maximize your giving

Cheryl R. Holland Wealth Planning

Charitable giving peaks in the last two months of the year. With so many charities out there, how do you know who to give your money to? Which charities use your money most efficiently to accomplish its goals?

Listen to Cheryl’s Interview on SC Business Review:

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