

Lending money to family and friends can be tricky

J. Abigail Mason Family Business

With the current economy and banks’ tight credit standards, people often turn to friends and family for loans when they need money. But lending money to your family and friends can be a delicate subject. Investors may be more willing to lend money to friends and family because of current low bond yields.

Listen to Abby’s interview on SC Business Review:

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Investors May Need to Update Records

Stephen “Scotty” J. Scott Investment Management

You may have noticed that the 1099 you received earlier this year from your stock broker also now includes the cost basis of any securities you sold. According to Stephen Scott, a new law will cause some investors to put in a little extra work to get their investment records up-to-speed.

Listen to Scotty’s interview on SC Business Review:

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Last-minute tax strategies

Jonathan J. Robertson Wealth Planning

Many people don’t understand the things that can positively affect your tax returns. This interview discusses helpful things you can do to increase the amount of your next tax return.

Listen to Jon’s interview on SC Business Review

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Protect yourself from identity theft: Do some shredding!

Susan A. McCants Wealth Planning

Identity theft is a major concern for many people in today’s brave new world of technology. Fortunately though, there are simple steps you can take to help protect your identity.

Listen to Susan’s interview on SC Business Review

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