One of Abby’s notable gifts is being able to put herself in another person’s shoes and take a look at life from where they stand.
“I had a study abroad experience in Nicaragua where I lived and worked with a farm family. It was incredible to be so totally out my element. Their work became my work, their culture became my culture, their challenges became my challenges. It taught me to appreciate deeply what they had—what I have—and the differences.”
Speaking of broader horizons: While her five-year-old is mastering Zoom, Abby is seeking mastery of the tax world, quite literally, by working on a master’s degree.
- B.S. in Business Administration, Minor in Accounting, Winthrop University
- Master of Accounting (tax concentration), UNC Kenan Flagler Business School
Leadership & Community
- National Association of Personal Financial Advisors Member
- Financial Planning Association Member