
Keeping Local Waters Sparkling

Protecting our environment is a conviction to be celebrated, not trashed. But trash – a lot of it – is what we found when Abacus team members showed up on a crisp October morning at the Columbia Riverfront Park on the Broad River.

The mission of the Congaree Riverkeeper – the river watchdog of the South Carolina Midlands, looking out for the Broad, Lower Saluda, and Congaree Rivers – is as simple as it is essential. “Clean Water. Healthy Rivers.”

We were more than happy to do our part and help keep our city shining as our firm-wide volunteer day. Sleeves rolled up, gloves on and empty bags in tow, we set out. By the end of the morning, we had gathered and removed over one thousand pounds of trash from the Broad River. Among our finds, plastic food wrappers, drink containers, pieces of fishing line and gear, a pair of tires and more and more and more.

Tiring? Yes. Wet? Yes. Dirty? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.

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Working To Change Lives 

One of the chief rewards of being a community activist is seeing how the time and work we contribute can, quite literally, change the daily lives and future prospects of our less fortunate neighbors – of all ages. Two such initiatives are particularly close to our hearts.

Abacus has a long-standing relationship with Central South Carolina (CSC) Habitat for Humanity on both an individual level (see William’s story below) and as a team. For one team volunteer day, we stepped in during the construction process. We may not have arrived with an abundance of carpenter skills. but we are fast learners and hard workers and loved being part of this new home taking shape (blisters and sore muscles aside). On another day, we took on the responsibility of helping install the beautiful landscaping as the finishing touch of another new Habitat for Humanity home.

We have also partnered over many years with the United Way of Midlands. Team member Bailey Davis is presently serving on the Steering Committee for the Young Leaders Society. This is an organization for young professionals who are passionate about improving their community as they build their careers. Bailey’s efforts are focused on organizing and seeking funding for the education outreach “Be a Book Bunny” program. This program distributes literacy bags to over 500 students served by the Midlands Reading Consortium to help children build personal libraries at home.

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Beyond Applauding The Arts  

Jessica A. Daley

Creativity is at the heart of the way Abacus thinks and works. It inspires us. It enriches us. That’s why we feel exposure to – and appreciation of – the arts is essential to the health and vitality of our community.

One way we support the arts is by showing up. Like we did when the entire team took seats to enjoy a touring production of the Broadway smash, Hamilton, at the Koger Theatre. (It’s true we may have applauded louder than just about anyone. It was terrific! And lived up to the glowing reviews.)

Another, perhaps more tangible (i.e., financial), way we support the arts is through our sponsorship of a variety of art-focused events.

One of our three offices is located in Greenville, South Carolina. To show our commitment to that local community we underwrite ArtTalk at the Greenville Center for Creative Arts. These regularly scheduled gatherings welcome professional artists onsite to demonstrate everything from abstract painting to jewelry making. Due to our support, there is no charge for the public to attend.

In our hometown, we step up as a sponsor for special exhibits at the Columbia Museum of Art. One example: The blockbuster, crowd-drawing Visions from India: 21st Century Art.

Other recipients of our largesse include 701 Contemporary Art Center, South Carolina Symphony League, Sandlapper Singers, Healing Icons, Nickelodeon Theater, Town Theater, PHOTO SC, and USC Education Foundation – School of Music

abacus lowercase a logo Jessica A. Daley