Tracie Dawson


On the frontier

Cheryl R. Holland Advice for Advisors

Invest in the BRIC countries? Sure. Many if not most financial planners devote some client assets to stocks from Brazil, Russia, India and China, which have propelled emerging-markets funds to spectacular returns over the last decade.

But what about investing in the next layer of BRICs, which might include stocks from Bangladesh, Romania, Ivory Coast and Cambodia? These frontier markets might develop into tomorrow’s emerging economies. Or sink into oblivion.

This originally appeared in May, 2011 in the Financial Planning Magazine website.

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Will a new hedge-fund rule lock you out?

Cheryl R. Holland Investment Management

With the 30-year bond rally seemingly at an end, financial adviser Jerry Verseput says he could get better returns for at least some of his clients from limited partnerships, secured income funds and other so-called alternative investments. But a new rule may make those options off-limits for a bigger number of his clients and other investors.

This originally appeared in February, 2011 on the website.

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