William Jeter standing outside of the Devine Street office in front of a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows and a stainless steel abacus logo. WATCH:Why I Chose Abacus

William freaked out about his first grey hair at thirty, that his knees hurt more after a run. Does anyone have a violin handy?

We poke fun at William because he is a young man (emphasis on young) prone to aim his healthy sense of humor in our direction. Fair is fair. Of course, when you are an Eagle Scout, interned in China and graduated magna cum laude, you have the gravitas to be light-hearted.

Is there a flip side? Absolutely. “I genuinely enjoy doing investment analysis. I’m the guy sitting there surrounded by – and pouring over – all those spreadsheets. Having a client trust you with something so important is one of the best feelings in the world.” Yes, William takes his work much more seriously than he takes himself.

  • Double Major in Finance and Accounting, Auburn University

Leadership & Community

  • CFA Society of South Carolina Member
  • Central SC Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors Member and Treasurer, 2022 - present
  • Richland First Steps Board of Directors Member, 2021 - present; Treasurer, 2023 - present