Wall Street’s loss is our gain—and more importantly, our clients. Kathy interned with us in 2012 and now brings her deep experience to us full-time.
“I spent seven years with two iconic financial firms. I started doing financial management, then worked on the equity trading floor, and finally moved into the residential loans arena. But I was exhausted, tired of the politics, not feeling appreciated, and being treated as a machine, not a person. I wanted to work in a more family-oriented space, wanted facetime with individuals. And here I am!”
While Kathy doesn’t dance around why she left New York, she does love to dance… from hip-hop to jazz. Along with the visual arts, musicals, hiking, snowboarding and globetrotting to random places, from Georgia (the country) to Serbia and Switzerland.
- B.A. in Economics, Bryn Mawr College, magna cum laude