Anne did not make writing this bio easy. She doesn’t like talking about herself. But what’s not to like about someone who, with a little digging, you find is as accomplished as she is humble?
Anne’s dad started her on a budget in the second grade. (And yes, she “hated it.”) But that training from such an early age gave her a set of skills she could always fall back on. Which explains how she became a budget coach adept at working with younger people.
One thing Anne – who admires the values at Abacus because “they are genuine” – is happy to chat about is her love of and talent for crocheting. “It is very calming and peaceful, but I am terrible at following patterns. I make up my own. I see a picture of something I like and figure out how to make it.” Let’s just call her a modest, but expert, problem solver.
- M.S. Financial Planning, California Lutheran University, Sigma Beta Delta
- B.A. Economics and B.A. Ethnic Studies, Mills College, Omicron Delta Epsilon